Trukz simulation game is almost as real as it gets
If you have ever wondered what it was like to be a truck driver, hauling loads up and down the highway. If you have ever wanted to do this and didn't want to quit your job and do it for real, then Trukz - A trucking simulation game is for you. I would bet it to be the best game about truck driving I have ever seen.
There are games out for truck driving, but not simulated truck driving. Where you have to actually pretend to purchase, your truck, CB radio, GPS unit, tools, tires, wheels, fuel filters, etc. the list goes on and on.
I am a truck driver in real life and it is almost just like having two different jobs!
I am a driver at this company Eagle Logistics , it by far is the best company I have seen on Trukz. I have been here for a couple of days, and already have money saved up. All the senoir drivers are very helpful, and there is no BS that goes along with games and such. Or at least I have not seen any yet.
I started playing this game a couple of weeks ago. I found a link to it on, it is a addicting game. It is the most realistic game about truck drivers, and what we do that I have ever seen.
The best part of it all is that it is free to play! When you join you name your truck driver, and then they deposit $5500.00 into your account. This so you can buy your first truck and accessories to help you haul loads to different cities in the USA, Russia, Australia there may be more continents but this all I have seen so far.
When you first join TRUKZ, it also has a private message system for the game. You will receive a few pm's from company recruiters asking you to join their company. Just like in real life! You do not have to join a company if you do not want to, you can be a independent operator if you like. But joining a company will make you more money, as they can offer discounts for purchasing trucks, fuel, repairs, accessories, even tickets! They also get contract loads which really make you the BIG bucks!
The game has been online for a year or so, but I still believe it to be the best one for truck drivers and want to be's ever!
Remember to check out Eagle Logistics when you go to Trukz and register.
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