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Amber Alert

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Speed limiter regulations published in Ontario

Provincial officials in Ontario have officially published regulations for mandatory speed limiters on heavy trucks.

As previously confirmed by transportation officials, speed limiters will be mandatory beginning Jan. 1, 2009, on all trucks 1995 or newer with a gross weight exceeding 26,000 pounds. The regulation applies to trucks that travel Ontario highways regardless of where they are from.

The regulations, published online on Monday, Nov. 10, require the maximum setting of a speed limiter to be 105 kilometers per hour, or 65 mph. Ontario’s major highways have a maximum speed limit of 100 km/h, or 62 mph, but other provinces and U.S. states have higher speed limits.

The regulations will appear in the Nov. 29 edition of The Ontario Gazette, the official publication for government rules and regulations.

Ontario officials say enforcement of the regulations will begin with a six-month education period. After that, officers can cite truckers caught going faster than 105 km/h for not having a working speed limiter.

Owner-operator associations in Canada and in the U.S. oppose government-mandated speed limiters. Large motor carrier associations tend to support a government mandate.

Officials with the U.S.-based Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association are preparing to file a formal “notice of intent” to challenge the regulation on a federal level in Canada.

Click here to read the Ontario regulations.